I Trained like the Most Dangerous Racers in the World

Опубликовано: 15 Ноябрь 2024
на канале: Doodle On A Motorcycle

The Isle of Man is considered the most dangerous race in the world. After interviewing a 2nd generation Isle of Man racer, I decided to see for myself: what would happen if a newb like me trained like an Isle of Man racer for 72 hours?

Thanks to our sponsor @RevZilla https://bit.ly/ALPAirbagVest
Sign up for Precision Track Day here https://bit.ly/PrecisionTrackDay code DOODLE10

Training like an Adventure Bike Champion
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5 Reasons Riders Crash in the Corners
   • 5 Reasons Why Riders Crash in Corners  
5 Common High Speed Cornering Mistakes
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Ken Hill Coaching https://bit.ly/KenHillSubstack
Rennie Scaysbrook   / rennie_scaysbrook  
Coach Julian Lopez   / guerrero.39  
Coach Jamie Hester   / wickedred865  
Revzilla, Sportbike track rentals, and anyone I may have missed

Producer/ Writer: Carolyn (Doodle)
Editor/ Camera: @Whitney_Does
Strategy: https://getrevleads.com/
Thumbnail: @Demorosjob

Some below are affiliate links. I may get a commission if you make a purchase
Flying Eyes https://bit.ly/FlyingEyesShades code DOODLE10
BrakeFree https://bit.ly/BFHelmetLight code DOODLE10
Cardo https://bit.ly/CardoSystem code DOODLE
Hair keeper https://bit.ly/HightailUltimatePack code DOODLE10
Helmet http://bit.ly/AraiCorsair-X
Racing Suit https://bit.ly/StellaMissileRaceSuit
Racing Boots https://bit.ly/AlpineStarsBoots
Racing Gloves https://bit.ly/SediciGloves

#IsleOfMan #IOMTT #7thGear #LevelUp