Main Features:
Complete tutorial
SMS OTP authentication
Payment gateway integration
State management with GetX
Admin app for control and management
Order management system
Shortcuts and tricks for faster development
Product sorting and filtering capabilities
State Management for Beginners: • Flutter Best State Management ?
Flutter Necessary Basics for Absolute Beginners: • Flutter widgets that beginners must u...
Build Runner Command : flutter pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs
Model Sample File :
Source code :
Time Code :
00:00 : Starting
00:03 Develop a production-level Flutter app with real payment Gateway and OTP using SMS gateway.
03:38 Adding products and making a successful payment in the app.
09:50 Configuring platform and folder structure for Flutter app development.
13:02 Setting up project structure and creating homepage
19:13 Download and insert Google service JSON file into Android folder
22:13 Adding Google services for Android and iOS apps
29:00 Creating application structure with homepage and add product page
32:47 Configuring a list tile for a dynamic UI
39:43 Use get material app for Gex features
42:50 Explaining widget placement and styling in Flutter
50:54 Adding drop-down button for category selection.
54:28 Make drop down button dynamic and reusable as a custom widget.
1:01:15 Creating reusable drop-down button
1:04:04 Passing and using items list for custom widget customization
1:11:08 Handling selected value on change in Flutter
1:14:28 UI part almost finished, preparing for dynamic functionality
1:20:19 Connecting home controller to home page using GetX in Flutter
1:23:16 Utilizing controllers for clear code organization
1:28:48 Implementing Firebase Firestore for data storage
1:31:58 Setting up Firebase collection for product data
1:38:14 Configure Firebase option for Android and iOS
1:41:33 Firebase app setup and troubleshooting
1:49:08 Creating model for product handling
1:52:19 Setting up models and dependencies for creating different instances.
1:58:19 Converting product to Json format
2:01:51 Using GetX for showing snack bar and toast
2:09:02 Handling data passing and selection from drop-down in Flutter app.
2:12:45 Handling default values for category, brand, and offer in Flutter app
2:19:09 Explanation on updating UI after selecting a value
2:22:27 Setting up Firebase database and storage in Flutter app
2:29:31 Creating empty list and fetching product data for storage
2:34:20 Retrieving and processing data from Firestore documents
2:41:21 Creating and using a delete method in Flutter app production
2:44:46 Creating the client application for FootWare
2:52:32 Adding Firebase to Flutter for Android and iOS
2:56:21 Setting up the login page with necessary elements.
3:02:15 Designing the home page with product listings and categories
3:07:03 Creating horizontal category list with chip widget
3:15:49 Implementing multi-select drop down button in Flutter for reusable use
3:20:13 Implementing Grid View in Flutter for item display
3:28:57 Creating a customized design for a food card.
3:33:11 Setting up product description page for navigation
3:39:49 Setting up application logic with required dependencies
3:43:38 Setting up Firebase for login controller
3:51:09 Change the production collection to user and create the user model
3:54:20 Adding and configuring necessary packages for development
4:02:20 Handling user input and validation
4:05:51 Implementing OTP functionality
4:13:25 Customizing and defining OTP field with controller
4:17:15 Update UI elements after successful OTP sent
4:23:58 Handling OTP verification and user addition
4:27:27 Implement clear field feature after successful user addition
4:32:58 Register DT with approved Center ID and template.
4:35:56 Sending OTP using mobile number
4:42:14 Using Get Builder plugin for Flutter app development
4:44:50 Fetching user data based on mobile number query
4:51:10 Automatic redirection to homepage after login and on app restart
4:54:11 Implement user authentication and redirection logic
5:00:43 Setting up product collection and Firestore in Flutter app
5:04:19 Initializing app unit and fetching products dynamically.
5:12:05 Avoid using the 'category' keyword for less confusion
5:15:41 Implement filtering by category for products
5:22:56 Implementing sorting by brand and price
5:25:38 Filter products by brand
5:31:40 Handling selection of price range and arranging products accordingly
5:35:13 Retrieving and displaying product data in the description page
5:42:42 Stripe is available internationally, while Razorpay is only available in India.
5:45:26 Setting up Razor Pay for payment in Flutter app
5:55:10 Handling payments with Razorpay in Flutter
5:59:16 Sending payment data to Firestore
6:05:29 Successfully added order and displayed order success alert
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