Before making any edits, ensure you have an appropriate backup as stated in the KB article!
1. Start the ADSI Edit utility on your View Connection Server computer. (this is a built-in utility and can be launched by name on PowerShell, launched via its Start Menu Folder (Windows Administrative Tools) or added as a snapin to an mmc console.
2. In the console tree launched for ADSI Edit, select Connect to
3. Enter these connection settings into the dialog prompt to connect into the Local Horizon View Database.
In the Select or type a Distinguished Name or Naming Context text box, type the distinguished name dc=vdi, dc=vmware, dc=int. | Note: If you are unable to connect using dc=vdi,dc=vmware,dc=int, try using dc=vdi;dc=vmware;dc=int.
In the Select or type a domain or server text box, select or type localhost:389 or the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the View Connection Server computer followed by port 389.
For example localhost:389 or
Click OK.
Select and expand DC=vdi,dc=vmware,dc=int to expand.
Please see "Connecting to the Horizon View Global Data Layer LDAP instance / ADAM Database (90050)" for details on connecting to the Cloud Pod Global Data Layer LDAP.