Here is the link to participate in the Lingoda Sprint challenge#sprint202212:
Discount code: ZOEWINTER
00:00 Intro
01:52 A1
02:18 Language schools
04:10 DW free online lessons
04:55 Vocabulary
06:04 A1 Study Plan
06:12 A2
06:36 Grammar
06:56 Pronunciation and listening
08:27 A2 Study Plan
08:33 B1
08:45 Pronunciation and listening
10:27 B1 Study Plan
10:29 B2-C1
11:44 Everyday Life
12:32 Academic LIfe
15:38 B2-C1 Study Plan
Here are videos about language learning tips:
⭐️How to START learning a new language on your own?Step-by-step tips!
• How to START learning a new language ...
⭐️How to take notes effectively in language learning?
• How to take notes effectively in lang...
⭐️5 Golden Habits for Language Learning
• 5 Golden Habits for Language Learning
⭐️How to make a good study plan to learn a language effectively?
• How to make a good study plan to lear...
⭐️How do I study 6 languages simultaneously? Challenges and practical tips
• How do I study 6 languages simultaneo...
⭐️How to learn vocabulary in a smart and effective way?
• How to learn vocabulary in a smart an...
⭐️How to improve your speaking skills by yourself? The shadow boxing technique!
• How to improve your speaking skills b...
⭐️3 tips for learning a language effectively on your own
• 3 tips for learning a language effect...
⭐️How to study languages consistently with a full-time job: the tiny habits method
• How to study languages consistently w...
Follow me on Instagram: / zoe.languages