Budget 2021 highlights and Analysis explained :
Finance Minister, Nirmala Sitharaman presented the Union Budget 2021 - 2022 in the Loksabha.
All eyes on the #Budget2021 and its benefits for Individuals, various sectors and to the whole Economy.
We have explained the significant announcements of #Budget2021 I.e; from Income tax slab rates, custom duties, Capital Expenditure, Government's move on privatization of Banks, Recapitalisation and Disinvestments, Numerous infrastructure pledges to the states and independent bodies, and many more important details.
Here are the key highlights from the #Budget2021
Time Stamps
0:00 Intro Budget review (divided in 3 parts)
1:12 Changes in Income Tax?
2:30 what has become cheap( gold, iron, steel, copper - custom duty)
4:10 What has become expensive (cotton, silk, auto, petrol)
5:05 Automobile Sector benefits
5:40 Non-conventional energy sector (boost)
6:12 Textile Industry
6:21 Healthcare sector
6:43 Insurance Sector
6:58 Indian Railways
7:42 Divestment Target
8:37 Capital Expenditure
9:50 Fiscal Deficit explained
10:23 Capital Infusion
11:14 Agricultural Industries
11:43 Stock Market New regulations(to minimize Fraud)
12:36 Budget Conclusion
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#Budget2021 #Budget2021review #Budget2021Analysis