Navajo weaver releases final drop of Ralph Lauren collection

Опубликовано: 08 Декабрь 2024
на канале: Indian Country Today

While settling in before the Santa Fe Indian Market, we catch up with Navajo weaver and textile artist Naiomi Glasses (@naiomiglasses) as she showcases her final drop of The Polo Ralph Lauren x Naiomi Glasses collection. Tune in as Naiomi reflects on her artist-in-residency collaboration with Ralph Lauren and shares the message she hopes to convey through her stunning designs.

Tune in as Naiomi reflects on her artist-in-residency collaboration with Ralph Lauren and shares the message she hopes to convey through her stunning designs.

#NaiomiGlasses #RalphLauren #SantaFeIndianMarket #IndigenousArtist #NavajoWeaver #TextileArt #FashionCollaboration #ArtistInResidency #NativeAmericanArt #shorts

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