Another highly requested video on how to get your New World game to have the most potato graphics as possible! This was mostly made for my Twitch viewers as they always ask me for how I set up my graphics. Enjoy!
NVIDIA Profile Inspector:
Texture Filtering - LOD Bias (DX): 0x00000078
New World Launch Options: +r_ColorGrading 0 +r_DetailTextures 0 +r_fogShadowsWater 0 +e_GI 0 +r_SSReflections 0 +r_ssao 0 +r_ssdo 0 +r_FogShadows 0 +r_silhouettePOM 0 +r_TessellationMaxDistance 0 +r_HDRRendering 0 +r_PostProcessEffects 0 +r_MotionBlur 0 +r_AntialiasingMode 0
🔴Twitch: / mightymaster123
📺YouTube: / mightymaster123
🐦Twitter: / mightymaster123
📷Instagram: / mightymaster_123
📱TikTok: / mightymaster123
Music from Free To Use Music
Track: Breath by Rabbit Theft
• Gaming Background Music Electronic No...
0:00 - Intro
0:27 - NVIDIA Profile Inspector
3:43 - Steam Launch Options