Check out the updated version here, it's much better: • Tank Crew Skills in War Thunder Expla...
Crew skills are a crucial aspect in Ground battles. Although often overlooked, these skills can increase your tank's performance by a significant amount. Today, I explain every single tank crew skill with visual guides. This is a remake of one of my first videos, and I've corrected several mistakes, given it a fresh new voiceover and visuals and made it much more accurate.
Apologies for the big gap between this upload and the last one.
──── TIMESTAMPS ────
📘 0:00 Intro
📕 0:26 How Crew Skills Work
── Generic Skills ──
📘 1:44 Generic Skills Intro
📕 2:13 Keen Vision
📕 4:39 Field Repair
📕 5:02 Agility
📕 5:27 Vitality
── Unique Skills ──
📘 5:54 Unique Skills Intro
📕 6:06 Driver - Tank Driving
📕 7:24 Gunner - Targeting
📕 8:30 Gunner - Rangefinding
📕 9:12 Commander - Leadership
📕 8:30 Gunner - Rangefinding
📕 9:12 Commander - Leadership
📕 9:40 Loader - Weapon Reloading
📕 10:19 Radio Operator Gunner - Artillery Targeting Accuracy
📕 10:50 Radio Operator Gunner - Artillery Strike Calling Time
📕 11:15 Radio Operator Gunner - Radio Communication
📕 11:39 Mechanic - Repair Speed
📘 12:30 Conclusion
📘 Introduction and Conclusion
📕 Crew Skills
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• Song used: Joakim Karud - Dreams ( • Dreams )