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CAMS - College admission management system website with user & admin panel is an application built with PHP MySQL. It is responsive website project which is developed using PHP MySQL.
In this project, you can manage the course, notices, enquiries, email subscribers, registered users, admins, social medias, Profile update, change password from the Admin Dashboard. Manage Admission Applications & its fees, view application, search application, view report and update application statuses. You have Settings for website manage like, website name, seo, contact info, email, etc.
From the Student/User Dashboard, you can manage to Apply for the Admission and submit the application form. See the Approval/Rejected/Pending of the applied application. Once its application is "selected" by the ADMIN, you can then do the payment of this applied course from the user dashboard by logging it. From the Student/User Dashboard also you can change password, update profile and detail on Dashboard.
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