In this tutorial i'll show you how to host multple Node apps on a single serverwith nginx and pm2.
Read the article here:
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00:00 Intro
00:30 What you’ll need
00:45 Setting up the 1st Node app
01:50 Using PM2
02:45 nginx reverse proxy
05:03 Adding a 2nd Node app
As mentioned at the start of the video, some extra help getting you set up if you don't have nginx, node and pm2 installed:
Nginx installation • DevTips Daily: Rick and Roll Project ...
Node.js installation • DevTips Daily: Rick and Roll Project ...
PM2 installation • DevTips Daily - Rick and Roll Project...
OK so this was actually a viewer's question from a previous video that dealt with how to add a new SSH key to an old server.
The question was asking how to host multiple Node apps on one server/IP so this video will show you how to use nginx, PM2 and of course Node.js to create multiple apps all running under the one domain.
#nodejs #nginx #digitalocean