Pick Up These Incredible Plugins Today!
1. Hawaiki Keyer 4 • https://fxfactory.com/info/hawaikikey...
2. Griddy • https://fxfactory.com/info/griddy/
3. MarkUp • https://fxfactory.com/info/markup/
4. Dynamic Transitions • https://fxfactory.com/info/dynamictra...
5. AddMotion • https://fxfactory.com/info/osmaddmotion/
These products were used in the making of this video
MarkUp • https://fxfactory.com/info/markup
AddMotion • https://fxfactory.com/info/osmaddmotion
Levelmatic • https://fxfactory.com/info/levelmatic
Premium VFX Backgrounds & Titles • https://fxfactory.com/info/background...
Created By Dylan Bates - The Final Cut Bro
Channel • / thefinalcutbro
Chapters 📕
0:00 Intro
0:22 Hawaiki Keyer 4
3:49 Griddy
7:35 MarkUp
10:10 Dynamic Transitions
12:15 AddMotion
/ fxfactory
/ fxfactory
/ fxfactory
#finalcutpro #fcpx #finalcutprox