my Twitch: / captaingrim_
Discord: / discord
Man. Here we are guys. A new expansion. And oh boy has it brought a lot of things for us to experience. Legitimately, Shadowlands has had the single smoothest expansion launch for me. Everything was super seamless on my realm, no real MS lag or server crashes. This honestly surprised me so much, since the lag on pre-patch was horrendous, so I thought if they're struggling on that, it's almost certain of the actual launch to be a total mess. Thank god it wasn't the case, at least not for me!
There's definitely lots of things that came in Shadowlands worth talking about and discussing but there's one main takeaway you can get from me regarding the expansion... and that is.... THE RE-ADDITION OF PVP VENDORS OH MY GOD WOWWWW OH MY GOOOOD! I'm so happy they finally brought them back. To me it was pure insanity for them to be removed in the first place. Right now I'm just doing 98% PvP content, barely doing PvE and I'm having a blast, simply because I just love the feeling of cashing in my hard earned points for sick items that will eventually help me to body people more efficiently. God.
But yea! In regards to whether I think the expansion is good - I can't say yet. I've seen many people straight up come out and say "it's good", but for me it's way too soon to tell. I even enjoyed BfA at the beginning and look how that turned out! I'll just wait out the honeymoon period first and then really give my verdict on it, but so far it's pretty decent! (mainly cause of the pvp vendors :) )
Wish all of you all the best and Happy Holidays. Cheers.
Big thanks to Vade ( / @calysto ) for lending me his amazing voice for the Jailer's adviser!
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My twitter: / grim_captain
More videos by me:
The Shadowlands Story in a Nutshell: • The Shadowlands Story in a Nutshell
The Struggles of a Barber - • Struggles of a Barber
The Struggles of a Tank - • Struggles of a Tank
DPS in a Nutshell - • DPS in a Nutshell - WoW Classic Machi...
Hardbass song towards the end:
Music used: Machiazz - One Destiny (Original Mix)
/ machiazz
/ machiazz
/ machiazz
#captaingrim #shadowlands #wowmachinima