First Creative Moments with the Cave Club! 🎨 |

Опубликовано: 02 Январь 2025
на канале: Cave Club

Arts and crafts are a prehistoric pasttime that ROCKS! Paint with Slate, discover selfies with Roaralai, and make some DINO-mite DIYs with Tella and Rockelle!


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About Cave Club:
The prehistoric world of Cave Club ignites every girl’s sense of wonder and adventure, encouraging them to never stop exploring. Meet the first BFFs who are about to make history! Enter a land of adventure, exploration, and yes — even dinosaurs!

Roaralai: She is the world’s first adventurer, raised by saber-toothed tigers, she embodies many positive cat-like traits—she’s fearless, loyal, stealthy, curious, and always up for a challenge.

Emberly: She has a fearlessness, eagerness, and inventive spirit that allows her to jump headfirst into any new situation.

Fernessa: As the world’s first botanist (and the first person to use the word “botanist!”) Fernessa has a deeply nurturing side that not only drives her passion for plants and animals, but also her own friendships.

Tella: By using her crystal Tella-scope, Tella is able to not only get a closer look at far-away things but can also see things that are, like, really far away. We’re talking millions of years away, where she sees future things like social media and rainbow bagels!

Slate: As Tella’s twin brother, Slate was born with the amazing ability to translate his sister’s “Tella-visions” into a drawing or painting. He also has a photographic memory, so when he’s not helping bring her Tella-visions to life, he’s covering the walls of the Cave Club with murals, or drawing sketches on his tablet that flow from his mind like lava.

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First Creative Moments with the Cave Club! 🎨 | ‪@CaveClub‬
   / caveclub