The NORTHERN IRISH ACCENT | Expressions, Pronunciation, History

Опубликовано: 13 Январь 2025
на канале: LetThemTalkTV

In this video you will learn how to do a Northern Irish accent. aka NORN IRON (and sometimes called Ulster English). You will also learn The expressions, the grammar the vocabulary, the phonetics and the history of the English of Northern Ireland as well as How the Irish (Gaelic) and the Scots language has influenced Northern Ireland English.

Thanks to Alister from Belfast for taking part in this video ‪@AlsActionEnglish‬

and accent coach Luke Nicholson @ImproveYourAccent.
This is part 5 of the series accents of Great Britain check out the others on our playlist.


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00:00 Norn Iron
00:38 Northern Ireland: What, who, when how?
04:50 Grammar
09:30 Vocabulary and expressions
16:20 The History
18:11 The Irish language (Gaelic)
19:06 Ulster Scots language
20:44 Pronunciation (phonetics)

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