You literally can’t do this with any other camera! 🫢
This photo was taken at 1/4000 sec / f/2.8 / ISO 100 with 2 off-camera flashes set to 1/32 power.
This is possible thanks to the global shutter in the new Sony a9 III. While its benefits of eliminating banding and rolling shutter is already huge, it also means you can out expose the sun with even the smallest off-camera flashes.
Normally, to get shots like these, you need to decrease the overall exposure of the scene by closing down your aperture (to f11 through f16) OR you would need to use an ND filter. Then, you would need a powerful high-speed sync capable flash (think something like the Godox AD400 Pro).
But now, with the global shutter of the Sony a9 III, you could simply pair it with a compact off-camera speed light (in this case, Sony FM60RM2, which would sync up to 1/80,000 shutter speed) to get the same, if not better, effect! Making this kind of flash photography simpler, more portable, and more accessible!
🧑🏻🏫 Thanks to @scottrobertlim (IG) for the demonstration and knowledge!
🤝 Shoutout to @sony.hawk (IG) for connecting me with cool people.
💃🏽 Model: @lasvegasspokesmodel (IG)