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0:22 Zulrah
0:35 Vorkath
0:40 Muspah
0:48 Desert treasure 2 bosses (Dt2, leviathan, vardorvis, duke, whisperer)
1:24 gauntlet/corrupted gauntlet/ zalcano
1:39 Tombs of amascut (TOA)
1:50 Chambers of Xeric (COX)
2:15 Theatre of Blood (TOB)
3:04 Amoxliatl
3:06 Perilous moons
3:44 Giant Mole
4:02 scurrius
4:27 Chaos fanatic
5:00 Scorpia
5:33 chaos elemental
6:12 Voidwaker
6:30 Artio/ Callisto
7:04 Vetion/ Calvarion
7:39 Venenatis/Spindel
8:26 King Black Dragon (KBD)
8:40 Sarachnis
9:14 Nightmare/ Phosani
9:55 Bryophyta
10:26 Obor
10:38 Deranged archaeologist
10:53 big mukky wukky uwu
11:05 The Mimic
11:19 Hespori
11:35 Skotizo
11:56 grotesque guardians Kraken
12:00 Abyssal Sire
12:01 Cerberus
12:02 Araxxor
12:12 Thermonuclear Smoke Devil
12:23 Alchemical Hydra
12:41 Kalphite Queen (KQ)
12:50 Dagannoth Kings (DKS)
13:02 Corporeal Beast (Corp)
13:06 God wars dungeon (Gwd, bandos, saradomin, zamorak, armadyl, nex)
14:06 Colosseum (Sol Heredit)
15:55 Inferno (Zuk)
Trying to get better about streaming from 4:00-8:00 PST at / pen_sir
Play Oldschool Runescape (f2p Jagex MMORPG):
The full Collection Grandmaster playlist
(My maxed ironman's journey to completing the collection log and grand master combat achievements):
• Total Bounty - PvP locked HCIM
If any of you would like to support me you can join my members at:
/ @pensirosrs