6 тысяч подписчиков
79 видео
Clue scrolls are a lot of fun in OSRS' newest League
Tombs of Amascut tips and tricks for every room - OSRS TOA Guide
10 Unusual Runelite plugins to make your OSRS life easier
This OSRS bingo solidified me as King of the Spoons - Collection Grandmaster (#17)
10 RuneLite Plugins You Don't Know About (But Should)
The no healer Zuk - OSRS Leagues
How to Graphically Enhance your OSRS Experience
Top 10 Runelite plugins to make you good at OSRS
10 Phenomenal Runelite Plugins for New & Returning players
Whispering Sweet Nothings - Collection Grandmaster (#16)
10 Very Useful Niche Items in OSRS
Colosseum made EASY - Complete OSRS Colosseum guide, Budget friendly!
Chambers of Xeric Tips and tricks for every room - OSRS COX guide
10 Big Changes Coming To OSRS Very Soon...
Quiver from scratch on a midgame iron! - Budget Colosseum Run [OSRS]
The Road To.... Completing A Single Theatre of Blood - Collection Grandmaster (#23)
One more ring - Collection Grandmaster (#24)
Loot from 50 (52) Skotizo in OSRS
Somebody turned on the Tob Purples - Collection Grandmaster (#29)
How I learned to Love Hard Mode TOB (spoilers $$$$) - Collection Grandmaster (#32)
10 hours of BUFFED Phosani's Nightmare [OSRS]
Loot from 10 hours of buffed, BUFFED Colosseum
Hard mode TOB is.... "Easy" - Collection Grandmaster (#28)
I only have 48 hours to get Blood Torva
Somebody turned the ToB purples on! - Collection Grandmaster (#30)
I conquered the Wilderness with this Bingo - Collection Grandmaster (#22.5)
This Bingo has me doing Everything - Collection Grandmaster (#27)
I have some interesting luck... - Collection Grandmaster (#25)
OSRS says goodbye to bots... And RuneLite?
Every Ironman should do this - OSRS tips
I survived 150 Hard Mode TOBs so you don't have to - Collection Grandmaster (#31)
Absurdly large OSRS opening
This Wilderness Bingo made me RICH [OSRS] - Collection Grandmaster (#22)
EASY and CHILL Spindel and Venenatis OSRS guide
Loot from 10 hours of BUFFED Colosseum + Tips on solving waves
Collection Grandmaster died so Collection Grandmaster can live...? - Collection Grandmaster (#26)
Collection Grandmaster (#14)
What bosses could Settled's Nightmare Mode defeat?
Jagex FINALLY changed the OSRS Ironman meta
Jagex just Buffed Run Energy in OSRS
The Future of Old School RuneScape
I'm quite please with my relics - Leagues (#4)
Scurrius quick guide - OSRS New boss
Understand these 10 fundamental OSRS skills before bossing and raids
The Rank 1 Method - OSRS Chaos Elemental Guide
10 Tricks nobody else is telling you about (OSRS)
Top 5 bosses for a midgame Ironman - OSRS guide