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How to Cast a Spell Without Writing for Beginners | Ami Melaine
I Made My Own DIY Scrying Mirror and Messed it Up! | Ami Melaine
Guided Meditation to Heal Your Twin Flame Connection | Ami Melaine
Are Witches and Wiccans the Same?! | Ami Melaine
Does Your Zodiac Sign Decide Your Element? | Ami Melaine
How to Tap Into Your Elemental Magick... PART 2 | Ami Melaine
Is Elemental Magick Physical or Energetic? PART 1 | Ami Melaine
I’m sorry, folkx. I don’t have a new video ready to post in the morning. More soon… I promise!🖤
Collecting Dried Menstrual Blood for Spellwork + Chatting IUDs | Ami Melaine
Channeled Tarot Reading: If You're Struggling to Find Your Self | Ami Melaine
Reacting to Another Witch (Scarlet Ravenswood) | Ami Melaine
A quicky chat about where I've been... Ami Melaine | The Shadowed Path
Collecting Menstrual Blood🩸 for Use in Sorcery ~ Ami Melaine | The Shadowed Path
Stream Test of Astroneer with Stranger Danger 1.0
Clean + Clear Your Energy: Pendulum Method | Ami Melaine
LIVE Answering Questions from the Comments | Ami Melaine
🩸A Few (Maybe 6?) Myths and Facts About Blood Sorcery🩸 | Ami Melaine
☥FINALLY☥ Answering Your questions About Summoning GOOD Spirits | Ami Melaine
We Need to Talk About the Lies the Spirituality Community is Telling Us... ☥ Ami Melaine
☥Changes to My Channel☥ The Most Ranty Chitchat Video Ever... | Ami Melaine
Are energy vampires and empaths really that different? | Ami Melaine
Some people are just so good at this witchcraft stuff... | Ami Melaine
PART 3 New Witch Q&A: Interview With a Scientist | Ami Melaine
Witch for Hire! Money, Equal Exchange & Scammers | Ami Melaine