🔥 Conscious Angular Testing for Beginners with 10%-OFF (For the First 10 Students):
Recently, Angular 17.2 was introduced, which brings a new API that enables deeper integration of Signals into Angular components. One of these new functions is a function `model`, which enables the 2-way data binding and which one I am going to cover in this video. You will learn why it is not a replacement for NgModel, how to migrate to the new Signal-Based 2-way-data binding, and how to adjust your unit tests after the migration.
🕒 Time Codes:
00:00:00 - Intro;
00:01:05 - Why model() != NgModel;
00:04:33 - Migration to model();
00:07:29 - Adjusting Unit Tests;
00:12:08 - Outro;
🔗 Source code from the tutorial:
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