✅ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: https://goo.gl/MedwLY
✅ MORE VIDEOS ABOUT THIS: https://bit.ly/2RKFzIK
► Why doesn't the subscribe button appear on my channel?
In a known problem with the new accounts, you must wait a while for it to appear, also notify YouTube, at the bottom of the drop-down menu of your session, in the "Send Suggestions" section, click on it, it will open a window, in she can add indication of the problem that will reach the team in charge.
This time I am going to show you a trick that is not very well known but I find it so extremely useful and interesting that I decided to create a video tutorial on how to do it step by step, we are talking about how to put the new subscribe button to all your YouTube videos 2018, in this video I am going to show you how to make a subscription button appear within a few seconds of watching the video.And in a very simple way with very few steps we will achieve that your YouTube videos get your watermark with the option to subscribe to your YouTube channel.
I describe the steps you have to take below. The first thing is to make a square image if it is possible that you have good quality of about 600 × 600 px, it is enough that it has 72 dots per inch it can be square Or also as in my case round so it has to be in PNG format with transparent corners .
The first thing you have to do is be "locked" on your channel to be able to access your YouTube tools. If so, you will see a Creator Studio button that you have to click on. Next, in the sidebar on the left, click Channel And then the branding button. It is in this part where you will have to put the image, tell it when you want it to appear and simply click to save.
I hope you like it and that you learn with it, and do not hesitate to write to me with doubts etc. And if you liked it, like and subscribe! : D
(You get the same price but they give me a very small commission. THANK YOU)
✅ SUBSCRIBE TO MY CHANNEL: https://goo.gl/MedwLY
✅ THE EQUIPMENT I USE: https://bit.ly/3mInAkD
✅ MY HOSTING: https://bit.ly/3kwTePX
✅ Premium Zone-WordPress Themes, Plugins, Tutorials: https://bit.ly/34vKrsX
✅ MY WEB: https://miguelmart.com
This video talks about:
How to Put a Subscribe Button in Youtube Videos 2018-Tutorial, subscribe button, subscribe button on youtube, how to put subscribe on youtube, subscribe, subscribe Youtube, how to put a subscribe button on youtube 2018, Subscribe Youtube, how to put a button on Subscribe 2018, How to put the button to subscribe to your YouTube channel, floating loot on the channel, how to gain subscribers, How to put the Subscribe Button 2018, trick to have more subscribers, how to improve my YouTube channel, subscribe with floating loot, branding, watermark on videos, watermark on youtube videos, lake on youtube videos,
How to Put Subscribe Button on Youtube Videos 2018-Tutorial, subscribe button, YouTube button to subscribe, how to subscribe on YouTube, subscribe, subscribe YouTube, how to put subscribe button on YouTube 2018, Subscribe YouTube, how to put YouTube button subscribe 2018 , How to put the button to subscribe to your Youtube channel, loot floating on the channel, how to gain subscribers, How to Put Subscribe Button 2018, trick to have more subscribers, how to improve my YouTube channel, subscribe with floating loot, branding , watermark in videos, watermark in youtube videos, lake in youtube videos,
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Track: LFZ-Echos (Meikal Remix)
Music provided by NoCopyrightSounds.
Watch: • LFZ - Echoes (Meikal Remix) | Future ...
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