The lyrics to the song "If I Ever Lose My Faith" by Sting from Ten Summoner's Tales.
This is the first song of the album and is considered the "prologue" of the album.
This is what Sting had to say about the song:
"There I was, stamping around the countryside with this tune in my head, declaiming gobbledygook at the birds. I knew that I had needed nine syllables for the chorus -- I had the melody and the rising chords beneath -- but no idea what I was going to sing.
"Songwriting can be a little like fishing: There are times when you land something in the net, and other times when you get "nowt." The frustrating thing was, it sounded like a hit to me even at this early stage. There must have been a few days of this frustration. The crows began mocking me audibly, and the sheep in our top meadow started to look at me with sad concern.
"'Nine syllables is all I need,' I would say to myself.
"'Faith, have faith. If I ever, if I ever...lose my faith. Two syllables to go.'
"A crow at rest in the high treetop gave out a bisyllabic cry in the sardonic laryngitis that is crow song.
"Did he really say, 'In you'?
"'That's it: If I ever lose my faith in you.'
"I ran home, with the cawing derision of the crows in my ears while the sheep resumed their grazing" (Sting 163).