It's been a while but here's a new track! A proper video will follow!
Available on all digital platforms too 😉:
Sarah Leo - Violin
Marco Negro - Everything else
Cover Art by D.o.D.G.
ZeroPi is a unique melodic Synth Pop/Synthwave entity using violin as lead instrument, played by the sparkling Sarah Leo, supported by Marco Negro’s kaleidoscopic synths and programming.
ZeroPi reveals itself in Italy in the summer of 2016 transfiguring an Irish traditional tune into an electronically supercharged version, promptly published as a video on its YouTube channel. Since then ZeroPi kept adding more content from 80’s New Wave covers to original tracks.
The name ZeroPi is composed by “Zero”, the only natural number neither positive nor negative, and “Pi”, a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter… In truth it stands for “Zero Pippe”, an Italian colorful way to say “no drama”.