REMAKE: • Tank Crew Skills in War Thunder Expla...
In this video, I explain all the crew skills currently in the game. All the other guides I found were either outdated or just too long. I tried to make a short but sufficient guide on one of the most crucial features in the game. Any feedback is appreciated!
📘 Intro: 0:00
📕 Explanation of crew skills: 0:30
📕 Generic skills
📙 Keen vision: 1:46
📙 Field repair: 5:07
📙 Agility: 5:29
📘 Qualifications: 5:49
📙 Vitality: 6:32
📕 Unique skills: 7:00
📙 Driver: 7:00
📙 Gunner: 8:24
📙 Loader: 10:44
📙 Commander: 11:35
📙 Radio operator gunner: 12:11
📙 Mechanic/Logistical services: 13:53
📕 Conclusion: 14:45
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• Song used: Joakim Karud - Dreams ( • Video )
Thanks for checking the description! Have a cool gif :)