Streaming daily
/ fubgun
----If glittering is too expensive or your build is slow then use 1 domination scarab instead (with no glittering, 1 mb every 60 maps)
----Only Do this Strategy with 300% player rarity at minimum
Use 2-3 deli orbs. Roll for 70% packsize/100% rarity/100% quant.
Extremely hard maps, I don't think you could do this on a budget.
Can expect 1 mageblood every ~40 maps on average. (theres 15 T0 and it's a 1 in 15 chance to get mageblood on a T0 drop, as all T0's have the same drop chance).
My Discord: / discord
My builds/atlas setups:
#pathofexile #currency #scarab