The Dominion Jem'hadar Battleship, also known as the Dreadnaught Carrier or Warship is the largest vessel to enter the Dominion War. Crewed by 3500 Jem'hadar warriors, this vessel was built to combat anything the Federation, Klingon, Romulans or Starfleet could throw at them. A single vessel can lay siege to an entire solar system and they were produced rapidly in Cardassian space. Introduced in the DS9 episode "Valiant" it's first act was to take out a Defiant Class Escort.
00:00 Real Origin
01:14 Dominion Origins
02:57 Specifications
06:46 Mission Profile
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Thumbnail Image altered from Thomas Marrone's image for the official STO model.
Outro Animation made by @icarogabriel17