ORAL SESSION: SP I - Signal Processing Fingerprint Recognition Based on Wavelet Transform and Ensemble Subspace Classifier Andres Rojas and Gordana Jovanovic Dolecek CHAIR: Martin Rocamora
Captured By A Corrupt Queen (Fantasy Lesbian Audio RP) (Yandere?) (F4F)
TV programm "Nedvizhimost'"(Real estate), part 2
ДТД VTS 01 1
🔵 Spanner in the Works - Wrench in the Works Meaning - Spanner in the Works Examples- English Idioms
Octoparse Tutorial 2025: Scrape Both Listing and Detail Pages
How to Use Your Assets
An Example of Using AI to Code
Gradient-Based Algorithm for the Distinction of Fault and Inrush Currents in Low Power Transformers
A Drawing Robot Pipeline With Artist-Inspired Execution
Adaptación de Sensores Inferenciales: Análisis Mediante Cartas de Control Para El Ajuste del Bias
Why and How to Construct a Device for Hail Simulation
Rejection of Disturbances Due to Drag and Lift Forces Present in the Taking off of SUAVI-Type UAV
Plan Ceibal: Enhancing learning outcomes at low-income schools through technology.
Assistive Technology: A Multimodal Interface to Control PC Mouse Pointer and Click
Low Cost Embedded Iot System to Record Meteorological, and Inertial Data in Remote Places
Energy Measurement Laboratory for Heterogeneous Hardware Evaluation
Human Activity Recognition Using Machine Learning Techniques in a Low-Resource Embedded System
Self-Checkout System Prototype for Point-Of-Sale Using Image Recognition With Deep Neural Networks
SEE Detection and Mitigation Strategy for GNSS Coprocessor IP-Core
An Empirical Energy Consumption Analysis in a Cattle Geolocation Device
An Accurate and Flexible Pneumatic Generator for NNS Stimulation Tests
¿Qué tan renovable será el mercado eléctrico en Latino Amércia en 2040?
Official opening of URUCON 2021 - Uruguay KEYNOTE
Welcome IEEE URUCON 2021
Resource Optimization of the Eulerian Video Magnification Algorithm Towards an Embedded Architecture
Tomato Segmentation on Natural Background Using Multi Operation of Edge Detection & Reconstruction
A Wearable, Cloud-Based Sys. to Enable Alzheimer's Disease Analysis, Diag., and Progress. Monitoring
Model Order Selection for Sum of Complex Exponentials
Digital Prototyping of a Microprocessor Controlled Active Knee Prosthesis
Ensemble of Machine Learning Models for an Improved Facial Emotion Recognition
Fingerprint Recognition Based on Wavelet Transform and Ensemble Subspace Classifier