If you feel like supporting my channel; purchasing the items featured in this video using the links below will result in me receiving a small commission fee – all items are Prime eligible so whilst they may be slightly more expensive than from other suppliers, you will get them next day and you can get on with your project!
Gotek drive - http://amzn.to/2yv8ZTM
OLED Display (Suggested) - http://amzn.to/2fYLJpu
OLED Display (Larger) - http://amzn.to/2kvBYk4
Piezo Transducer (Hack required) - http://amzn.to/2fYMxe0
Software required…
Flash Floppy Wiki:
Flash Floppy Download:
ST Flasher program download:
HxC Download:
Please see the timestamps below for relevant parts…
Programmer setup 4:30
Software download and flashing 9:40
USB drive setup 14:00
Testing 15:25
Mods 18:30