An in-depth video on installing the #AndersonComposites #Camaro ZL1 Type-AZ carbon fiber rear #diffuser!
This is a very detailed video that includes info on how to remove the rear bumper, install the rear diffuser, and how to re-install the rear bumper. We also take a look at the overall quality of the part, fitment, potential issues, and everything else that you could imagine!
Even without a Camaro ZL1 the overall concepts and what is covered in this video should be useful for all 6th gen Camaros.
Merch Shops:
--- Z1LLA SHOP 10% Off Coupon Code - d3rpzilla24
--- ETSY STORE 20% Off Promo Code - d3rpzilla24
Item(s) in Video:
2017 - 2022 CAMARO ZL1 TYPE-AZ CARBON FIBER REAR DIFFUSER - *** Manufacturer's website for the diffuser
200 lb. Capacity Portable Work Stand -
Video Navigation:
00:00 - Start
00:18 - Intro & Overview
02:33 - Remove Bumper
07:18 - Remove Diffuser
17:22 - Diffuser Look
21:16 - Remove Wiring
22:28 - Install Diffuser
26:05 - Fitment
27:21 - Reflectors
29:48 - Bumper Assembly
42:10 - Final Look & Issues
50:09 - Outro
53:36 - The End :P
*** NOTE: This is NOT a sponsored video and I purchased the diffuser at full price from (minus the usual periodic sales and coupon codes). It does not seem like the Type-AZ version of the diffuser is on their website at this time to link directly to so if you plan to order from them I'd suggest sending them an email or giving them a call.
#carbonfiber #6thgen #carmods
➤ Music from RFM - Royalty Free Music [No Copyright Music]
➤ Music from Epidemic Sound