Check out our full video in English:
The Reality of Russia's Gains One Year into the War - • The Reality of Russia's Gains One Yea...
Absolutely every action in our lives is a project. That is, a set of actions that perform a task within the framework of a set goal. Every day we start micro-projects - brushing our teeth. As well as larger ones: change jobs, move to another city, have children.
Each project brings us results. These results can be positive or negative. And in the end, we weigh the resulting value of the pros and cons to determine whether we needed it at all.
Should I have gone out to get drunk with my mates if I have a headache today, but damn how good I felt then, despite the fact that I feel bad now.
Through such a prism, we have made a video about the project called "WAR". Enjoy watching it.
#Russia #Ukraine #Putin #theResearcher