In this video we will add voice command feature to our AI "MINI " , we are going to add speech recognition and text to speech function to our A.I to make it better than ever.
Advance Personal A.I - Deep learning, Artificial Neural Network (ANN):
• Advance Personal A.I using deep learn...
Neural networks simple explanation || Advance Personal A.I -- Deep learning, A.N.N : • How Neural Network Work ? [ MUST WATC...
Note : I named my A.I as MINI , if you have some different name in mind then change the name "MINI" in dataset.
Source code and Data file :
Previous Jarvis Series: • How to make J.A.R.V.I.S using Python
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make your own ai assistant,how to make jarvis in python,jarvis artificial intelligence personal assistant,ai personal assistant using python,voice assistant using python gui,make your own chatgpt,make your own chatbot python,make your own personal assistant,ai assistant app,ai personal assistant using python, Nrandom,not random,pip install nrandom,text to speech,text2speech,speech recognition,pyttsx3,SpeechRecognition ,part8,mini the ai , personal ai, personal advance ai
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