WHERE TO FIND ALL WEEK 10 ALIEN ARTIFACTS Five New Map Location Drops in Fortnite Season 7 Chapter 2

Опубликовано: 14 Март 2025
на канале: Speed711

No Artifacts Drops in Week 11 so use Cosmic Chests to get all 360 Alien Artifacts & Unlock All Kymera Options this week. Last week I was up to 350. I think you get have 5 extra with 365 Alien Artifacts? FIND ALL 5 ALIEN ARTIFACTS drops in Week 10 Fortnite Season 7 Chapter 2 Five NEW Alien Artifact Drops. Five canisters each contains 4 alien artifacts giving players 20 alien artifacts to customize the Tier 1 Kymera skin Collect All locations marked on the map, watch the video, read the Full Description Details Below. #Fortnite #AlienArtifacts #Week10 #CosmicChests #Kymera
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It's Game Game Time. You Game Game bruh?
It's about to get all Game Game up in here like Game Game in the Membrane.
No Alien Artifact Drops in Week 11, week 11 alien artifacts, alien artifacts, where are the week 11 alien artifacts, new alien artifacts, alien artifact locations, alien artifact locations week 11, week 11 alien artifact locations
🎶 Fortnite Extraterrestrial Emote Lobby Music Background Track
Epic Games made it EZ showing the Alien Artifact Icon on the mini-map location. That was easy. This late in the season what's the point? If you missed Alien Artifacts this will make it super easy to find them before the season ends. If you're behind, Head over to Fortniters Discord & set your account up then run the ARTIFACTS command to get a map of all of the Alien Artifacts you are missing. It outputs a map with all your missing alien artifacts marked.
Very nice! Have a Great Day!
Video Chapters:
0:00 Map
0:07 Sharky Shell
0:40 Shanty Town
1:09 Stumpy Ridge
1:30 Destined Dish
1:52 Weather Station
2:18 Customize Kymera Skin
#1 Sharky Shell Alien Artifact located in the center of the Shark Island. Drop down to the first floor of the wreckage, & you should come to this large elevator door. Break through with your Pickaxe, and the artifact will be inside. Look for the first-floor elevator and break through the door

#2 Shanty Town Alien Artifact west of Slurpy Swamp. The Alien Artifact is located in Shanty Town. On the dock that juts out into the central pond in the area, you should see the alien artifact canister

#3 Stumpy Ridge Alien Artifact is located southeast of Weeping Woods. It sticks out on the map as a lone tree in a clearing. You’ll find the Artifact in this clearing between Weeping Woods and Slurpy Swamp. Once you land there you should see the canister sitting in the middle of this circle of trees. There’s no need to build anything, so just grab the goods. The canister is in the center of the trees

#4 Destined Dish Alien Artifact which is southeast of Misty Meadows. Point your cursor at the small dot north of the dish itself. Alien Artifact is found at Destined Dish. When you land you’ll see that you’ve marked a nearby storage container. The Alien Artifact is found inside the container. Look for the canister inside this storage container near the dish itself

#5 Weather Station landmark south of Catty Corner. Alien Artifact is in the large solar panels. Destroy it with your Pickaxe to reveal the Alien Artifact canister underneath. Break through this solar panel to get the artifact
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