What Tank Armour Can (& Can't) Do | Evolution of Armour
In this episode of Evolution, Chris Copson explores the fascinating world of tank armour, tracing its evolution from the First World ...
I hope you enjoy the video Video Idea: Thunder Storm tags: WarThunderElite WarThunder Elite War Thunder Elite ...
Armor Types in War Thunder EXPLAINED | War Thunder Tank Armor Guide
Armor! It's what (potentially) protects your tank from certain death. However, with all the different types, it's easy to get confused.
It's a lot harder to speculate on what armor tanks will use in the future, there aren't nearly as many interesting developments or ...
Knock Out: The Evolution of Tank Ammunition
Tank ammunition has gone a long way from basic solid armour piercing shot to the high-tech fin rounds of today. In this video we ...
Firing trials on British Chobham armour 1979
A Chieftain tank and prepared static shaped charges are used to try and defeat a solid steel armour plate followed by a plate of ...
Composite Armor: increasing protection, with less weight
Composite Armor: Background, Practical Demonstration, and Why it Works Composite armor using ceramics is a well known ...
T90M Tank Is NOT What You Expect
Yes, the T-90M "Proryv-3" is a modernized Russian main battle tank. Here's a quick overview: Armor: Upgraded with Relikt ERA ...
Topic discussion video on why tank armor probably isn't as important as you think it is. Or at least, tank armor's importance is ...
Since the 1970s, tanks have been equipped with the so-called explosive reactive armor (ERA). This armor consists of a C4 ...
How does Tank Armor and Ammunition work?
Today I am joined by theScottishKoala talking about tank ammunition and tank armor!! APFSDS, HEAT, MPAT and all types or ...
What Was Schürzen Actually For?
You are no doubt familiar with the side skirts, or Schürzen, used by German tanks during WW2. However the reason these were ...
🤔Testing how bad the Ariete's 🇮🇹 Armor is. #warthunder #warthundermoments #testing
warthunder #warthundermemes #tanks #warthundermoments #memes #gaming #gamingvideos #planes #plane #history #tanks ...
Provided to YouTube by The Orchard Enterprises Anti-Tank (Dead Armour) · Bolt Thrower Those Once Loyal ℗ 2005 Metal Blade ...
Improvised Armor on US WWII Tanks
It may not be as effective as steel plate armor, but if I were in one if these tanks, I'd be piling on every last sandbag I could find!
Master Your Armor | World of Tanks
World of Tanks - Official Channel
Explore the intricacies of tank armor, defense strategies, and tactical positioning! In this guide, we'll share crucial insights and ...
Watch as we learn how to equip body armour in War Thunder. This armour will help you withstand any round from any enemy.
How ARMOR PIERCING rounds Work? WOT #firstshortvideo #tanksblitz #worldoftanks #firstshortvideo
This video is about AP (armor piercing), APC (armor piercing capped) and APCBC (armor piercing capped ballistic capped) tank ...
What Tank Armour Can (& Can't Do) #shorts
Press the little bell above to enable NOTIFICATIONS so you don't miss the latest Tank Museum videos. Follow The Tank Museum ...
Testing if War Thunder’s Armor System is Accurate 🤔
Make sure to subscribe ;) Contact Email: [email protected] Discord: https://discord.gg/RcbAhk97Ys TikTok: ...