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800mm GUSTAV GUN vs M4A3 SHERMAN #simulation #shorts #tank #ww2 #warthunder #top #fyp
LEOPARD 2A4 vs T-72B (1985) | 120mm DM33 APFSDS Armour Piercing Simulation
APFSDS vs ERA | M1IP ABRAMS vs T-62 + Explosive Reactive Armour | M833 Armour Penetration Simulation
Panzer III M vs T-34E SPACED ARMOUR | 50mm Pzgr.40 APCR Armour Piercing Simulation
3BM9 APFSDS vs L15A5 APDS | 1960's APFSDS vs APDS Simulation | Armour Piercing Developments Vol. 4
THE POWER OF THE 120mm | Chieftain vs T-10M | 120mm L15A5 APDS Armour Penetration Simulation
KV-2 vs TIGER | 152mm High Explosive Anti-Concrete Shell vs MG Port Armour Piercing Simulation
TIGER I vs CHURCHILL Mk.VII | 88mm Pzgr.39 Armour Penetration Simulation
TOP ATTACK TANK SHELL vs T-72 +ERA | 120mm XM943 STAFF vs Kontakt-1 | Armour Penetration Simulation
T-72 vs Strv103 | 125mm 3BM9 APFSDS Armour Piercing Simulation
TIGER II vs A39 TORTOISE | 88mm PzGr. 39/43 vs Assualt Tank | Armour Piercing Simulation
THE EFFECTIVENESS OF APHE | Simulating the Fragmentation Pattern of Armour Piercing High Explosive
CAP vs NO CAP | APCBC vs APBC | Armour Piercing Developments Vol. 1
CENTURION Mk.3 vs T-54 | 20pdr APDS Armour Piercing Simulation
PELE APFSDS | Armour Penetration Simulation | Unique APFSDS Vol. 3
T-34-85 vs HETZER | 85mm BR-365K vs Jagdpanzer 38 | Armour Penetration Simulation
AP ROCKET vs TIGER II | AP No.2 RP-3 Rocket Armour Piercing Simulation
6pdr vs TIGER-1 | 57mm APC Armour Piercing Simulation | Ansys
TIGER II vs SUPER PERSHING | 8.8cm Pzgr.39/43 Spaced Armour Piercing Simulation
Churchill Mk.III vs TIGER 1 | 6pdr Armour Piercing Simulation | Ansys
WORLD'S STRANGEST TANK SHELL | 76.2mm BR-350A | APHEBC Armour Piercing Simulation
800mm GUSTAV GUN vs M4A3 SHERMAN | Dora Armour Piercing Simulation | [delayed] April Fools Special
LEOPARD 2AV vs T-72A | 120mm DM13 APFSDS Armour Penetration Simulation
HOW DANGEROUS ARE DISCARDING SABOTS? | Sabot Petal vs BTR-80A | Armour Penetration Simulation
CV90 vs T-72 | Swedish 40mm APFSDS vs Main Battle Tank | Armour Penetration Simulation
M36 JACKSON vs PANTHER | 90mm T33 APBC Armour Piercing Simulation
THE WORST APCR vs Up-Armoured Panzer IV | 85mm APCR vs Spaced Armour | Armour Penetration Simulation
JAGDTIGER vs SUPER PERSHING | 12.8cm Pzgr. 43 Spaced Armour Piercing Simulation
HESH vs SLOPED ARMOUR SIMULATION | 105mm High Explosive Squash Head | Armour Penetration Simulation
E-100 vs IS-3 | SECRET WW2 APDS SIMULATION | 128/88mm Pzgr.39 TS APCBC-DS Armour Piercing Simulation
LEOPARD A1A1 vs T-62M | 105mm DM23 APFSDS vs Metal-Polymer Block | Armour Piercing Simulation
Strv 103 BAR ARMOUR SIMULATION | T-62 vs S-Tank | 115mm 3BM3 APFSDS Armour Piercing Simulation
TIGER 1 vs T-34 | 8,8cm Pzgr.39 SIMULATION | 0-2500m
85mm HIGH EXPLOSIVE vs PANTHER | T-34-85 vs Panther G | O-365K Armour Piercing Simulation
PERSHING vs PANTHER | 90mm M304 Hyper Velocity Armour Piercing Simulation
FUEL AS ARMOUR | Bradley vs BMP-3 | 25mm M791 APDS Armour Piercing Simulation
T-62 vs M60A1 | 115mm 3BM6 APFSDS vs CHA | Armour Piercing Simulation
STAND-OFF AT CHECKPOINT CHARLIE SIMULATION | T-54 vs M48 | BR-412D Armour Penetration Simulation
M1 ABRAMS vs OBJECT 775 Pancake Tank | Depleted Uranium APFSDS | Armour Penetration Simulation
Strv-103 vs MBT-70 | 105mm Slpprj m/66 APDS vs Spaced Armour | L52 Armour Piercing Simulation
MAGACH vs T-62 | 105mm M111 "Hetz" APFSDS | Armour Piercing Simulation
DIRECT FIRE ARTILLERY vs T-72 | Paladin 155mm M107 High-Explosive | Armour Penetration Simulation
WHY UPGRADING TANKS WITH ERA ISN'T ENOUGH | T-80 vs Super Strv 103 | Armour Penetration Simulation
THE MOST HEAVILY ARMOURED TANK DESTROYER | T-10M vs AMX-50 Foch | Armour Penetration Simulation
CHIEFTAIN vs T-72 URAL | 120mm L15A5 APDS | Armour Penetration Simulation
TIGER II SHOT TRAP SIMULATION | Sherman 76mm vs Tiger II (early) | Ansys Armour Piercing Simulation
APFSDS vs S-Tank | T-72 vs Strv 103