18 тысяч подписчиков
506 видео
Mailbag 53
Learn how to send SMS messages using PHP with Twilio in about 4 minutes
Mailbag 54
How to add high density drives to an IBM 5150 or IBM 5160 (Even a Gotek!)
Finding and Repairing a short in a motherboard
Movi Speech Recognition & Synthesizer for Arduino
Do battery expiration dates matter? Battery Rundown Tests
The Ultimate Commodore 1541 Floppy Drive Diagnostic Tool
Kaiweets ES20 Electric Screwdriver Unboxing and Review
Ryobi P411 Sander Teardown and Repair
Node-Red on Android Blew my Mind
Freenove Arduino Project Kit - The All in One Starter Kit
04 UserSpice DB Class Part 2
09 UserSpice Redirect Class
Processing multiple checkboxes in PHP
The 5 Best Arduino Starter Kits for 2021
Debugging with Dan - 1 Fixing the Bio Bug
Can you use an Arduino in Commercial and Industrial Applications?
Burning on a Budget - The TL866II+ EPROM Programmer by XGecu
Arduino to Raspberry Pi 2 Way Communication
Dr. Duino - Arduino starter kit build and review
Keyestudio 37-in-1 Sensor Kit Unboxing and Preview! KS0068
05 UserSpice DB Class Part 3
This insane cable tester tests nearly everything - MFL Model CT-20
Mailbag 49
Osoyoo Smarthome Kit - Unboxing and Review (And Contest!)
When Aliexpress sends you mislabeled components, you adapt and overcome.
Circuit Specialists TDGC3-2D Gen 3 20A Variable Transformer
How to use a thermal imaging camera for computer repairs - Kaiweets KTI-W01
How many relays can I connect to one Arduino?
Arduino LiDAR Quick Start Guide with the TF-Luna
Websockets Demo with UserSpice - No Refresh Required PHP!
A Tale of 4 Arduino Unos - Genuine, Counterfeit, Clone and Improved
Mailbag 50
Mailbag 60
Speed up MySQL 25-100x with Indexing
mailbag 61
How I got rid of coil whine from my Thermaltake Power Supply
Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Thinkst Canary with OpenCanary (Save $2465)
TEACHERS - How to remotely control your students' computers
Learn PHP - Foreach Loops - Unit 2, Lesson 6
The 5 Best Arduino Starter Kits for 2022
Add a Gotek Floppy Emulator to a Tandy (and solve that Tandy Floppy Cable problem)
Shoot Infrared 100+ Meters
UserSpice 4.1 Eight Minute Install and Tour
How to Install DOS 6.22 to an SD Card - The easy way!
How many times can you write to the Arduino EEPROM without killing it?
Turn a raspberry pi into an apache/mariadb/node/mqtt server
Xgecu TL866II Plus vs T48 vs T56
"Hacking" Adminer to work without a password