4744 тысяч подписчиков
178 видео
Why Dark Mode Reduces Your Productivity
NFTs Explained in 4 minutes!
Solid - A Better Web (Simply Explained)
mRNA Vaccines: Questions & Misconceptions
How mRNA Vaccines Work - Simply Explained
Oblivious DNS - Simply Explained
How do NoSQL databases work? Simply Explained!
Caching - Simply Explained
The Serverless Hype Explained!
SpaceX & Starlink: Is Satellite Internet a Good Idea?
Software & Hardware Used in Formula 1
Jevons Paradox & The Rebound Effect
IOTA - Simply Explained
Hosting a static website on Amazon S3 (AWS howto)
Will Popcorn Pop During Cremation?
Mining rewards & transactions - Blockchain in Javascript (part 3)
Types (TypeScript, tutorial, #5)
Mining Difficulty - Simply Explained
Passing information through API Gateway (Getting started with AWS Lambda, part 4)
Adjustable IR Proximity Sensor (ESP32 + Arduino series)
The Human Alarm Clocks of the Industrial Revolution!
How to Multitask with FreeRTOS (ESP32 + Arduino series)
Using type definitions (TypeScript tutorial, #9)
DIY Home Energy Monitor & CT sensors explained
Why ESP32s Are The Best Microcontrollers (ESP32 + Arduino series)
Asymmetric Encryption - Simply explained
Why Use PlatformIO instead of Arduino? (ESP32 + Arduino series)
Proof-of-Stake (vs proof-of-work)
What is a Bitcoin hard fork? Simply Explained!
Connect ESP32 to WiFi (ESP32 + Arduino series)
Getting source code from git (Get started with Jenkins part 3)
Correctly Measure Battery Level - MAX17048 (ESP32 + Arduino series)
Winning the Coin Toss: The Secret 50.8% Advantage
Wakeup From Sleep With a Timer (ESP32 + Arduino series)
Set up Visual Studio Code (TypeScript tutorial, #4)
Keep WiFi Connection Alive with FreeRTOS Task (ESP32 + Arduino series)
How Scammers Fool Even the Smartest Minds
Core concepts (Serverless framework tutorial, #3)
Debug TypeScript with Visual Studio Code (TypeScript tutorial, #10)
Install Serial Drivers for ESP32 (macOS, Windows, Linux)
Functions (TypeScript tutorial, #8)
Smart contracts - Simply Explained
Using Servo Motors - SG90 (ESP32 + Arduino Series)
Deep Sleep & Other Power Modes (ESP32 + Arduino Series)
Observer (TypeScript Design Patterns)
Writing data to DynamoDB (Getting started with AWS Lambda, part 7)
Integrate with GitHub: build after each commit (Get started with Jenkins, part 13)
How does a blockchain work - Simply Explained
Introduction (TypeScript tutorial, #1)
Fighting Spam on YouTube with TensorFlow & Python
Blockchain & Smart contracts: Digital Evolution Conference 2018
Installing Jenkins on Ubuntu Server 15.10 (Get started with Jenkins part 2)
What Are APIs? - Simply Explained
How to scam people (and not get fooled!)
Running PHPUnit tests after each commit (Get started with Jenkins part 5)
Connecting Lambda to API Gateway (Getting started with AWS Lambda, part 3)
Meltdown & Spectre vulnerabilities - Simply Explained