68 тысяч подписчиков
2 тысяч видео
Introduction to Neural Networks with Tensorflow
A Text Adventure in Python
Starting your project right: setup and automation for all
A Developers Approach to Documentation: From Passive to Dynamic
Stop Writing Classes
Deep Freeze: building better stand-alone apps with Python
U is for Unicode: Solving the Mystery
38. ABC: the mother of Python
Responsive Design - Geoffrey Roberts
Graph Databases in Python
Best Practices for Python Scripting - Greg Back
Give a Python a Pony
Introduction to Celery
Introduction to Topic Modeling in Python
Python for Programmers: A Project-Based Tutorial
Python, Inc.
Visualizing Twitter Data with Blaze and Bokeh
Better Documentation Through Automation: Creating Sphinx Extensions
Functional Programming with Python
Serializing Data with Googles Protocol Buffers
Python beyond the CPU
PythonTeX: Fast Access to Python from within LaTeX
Static Code Analysis with Python
27. Reading and writing spatial data for the non-spatial programmer
Storing, manipulating and visualizing timeseries using open source packages in Python
Using futures for async GUI programming in Python 3.3
Make API Calls Wicked Fast with Redis
Egad! How Do We Start Writing (Better) Tests?
Distributed, Real-time Web Apps with Stack.io
Open Source Tools for Game Development
Designing Embedded Systems with Linux and Python
An Introduction to scikit-learn: Machine Learning in Python
scrape: an interactive web scraping development environment using selenium
Rethinking Errors: Learning from Scala and Go
MediaWiki and the European GDPR (datencockpit.at)
Fighting Cancer with Python
How I learnt to stop worrying and love Boost.Python
Faster Python Programs through Optimization
When Booleans Are Not Enough... State Machines?
CUDA in your Python: Effective Parallel Programming on the GPU
XML generieren mit lxml
Take Back the Web with GraphQL
Functional programming in Python with PyToolz
Introduction to Exploratory Data Analysis with the Sci-Analysis Python Package
Docker 101: Meet the portable future (tutorial)
Python XMPP
Porting Django apps to Python 3
Fcm - A python library for flow cytometry
SaltStack - Remote Execution, Configuration Management, and More