18 тысяч подписчиков
506 видео
Mailbag 53
Osoyoo Smarthome Kit - Unboxing and Review (And Contest!)
When Aliexpress sends you mislabeled components, you adapt and overcome.
Circuit Specialists TDGC3-2D Gen 3 20A Variable Transformer
How to use a thermal imaging camera for computer repairs - Kaiweets KTI-W01
How many relays can I connect to one Arduino?
Arduino LiDAR Quick Start Guide with the TF-Luna
Websockets Demo with UserSpice - No Refresh Required PHP!
A Tale of 4 Arduino Unos - Genuine, Counterfeit, Clone and Improved
Mailbag 50
Mailbag 60
Speed up MySQL 25-100x with Indexing
mailbag 61
How I got rid of coil whine from my Thermaltake Power Supply
Turn a Raspberry Pi into a Thinkst Canary with OpenCanary (Save $2465)
TEACHERS - How to remotely control your students' computers
Learn PHP - Foreach Loops - Unit 2, Lesson 6
The 5 Best Arduino Starter Kits for 2022
Add a Gotek Floppy Emulator to a Tandy (and solve that Tandy Floppy Cable problem)
Shoot Infrared 100+ Meters
UserSpice 4.1 Eight Minute Install and Tour
How to Install DOS 6.22 to an SD Card - The easy way!
How many times can you write to the Arduino EEPROM without killing it?
Turn a raspberry pi into an apache/mariadb/node/mqtt server
Xgecu TL866II Plus vs T48 vs T56
"Hacking" Adminer to work without a password
Learn PHP - FUNctions - Unit 6, Lesson 1
How to measure wind speed arduino in 3 minutes
The $4 XT-IDE Board
PC Diagnostics Tools - Are they any good?
Fixing the biggest flaws of the Raspberry Pi 4
Fixing 2 Macintosh SE computers
Soldering the same board with 5 kinds of solder
4 Raspberry Pi 5 Cases Compared - One for Every Occasion
Mailbag 66
Mailbag 71
I got scammed by a couple of fake cards. Here's how to protect yourself.
9 Pin Cable Tester - Updated and improved!
Lilygo T-SIM7000G Google Fi compatible Programmable GPS Tracker
Garage workshop tour
Mustool G1200 Digital Microscope - Unboxing + Review + Teardown
Use a Raspberry Pi to power and parse data from an Arduino (EASY!)
How to Remix STL files from Thingiverse
The Best Arduino Starter Kit Under $25
Skycraft Parts & Surplus - A Maker's Paradise
KEYESTUDIO Easy Plug Ultimate Starter Kit KS0398 - Unboxing and Review
KEYESTUDIO Smart Home Starter Kit - KS0085 Unboxing and Review
Create an FTP Canary Honeypot from an ESP8266 or ESP32 in 10 minutes
Learn KiCad 8 in 45 minutes - From idea to upload in one video
Kaiweets Screwdriver ES20 vs ES21