16 тысяч подписчиков
415 видео
Motivation and effective learning by Sarah Ellis David Bradshaw
ROBIN WALKER: 'Pronunciation Matters - re-thinking goals, priorities and models'
Nivel de inglés C1
Working with texts in Primary: Getting ready to read
The importance of preparation in the learning journey
What do students gain from understanding genre conventions?
Active participation and learning
Encouraging speaking in our lessons
IELTS del British Council
Study in Europe with IELTS
What makes a good storyteller?
Four strategies for effective and inclusive differentiation
Summer International 2023
2023 Circular Open Studios - Session 3: Community and Knowledge Access
Why are stories so important?
Working with texts in Primary: Reading aloud
Using our environment to support teaching and learning
Let’s talk about presentations
Estudiar en Europa con el IELTS
British Council Exams
IELTS Ready Premium
What can we do after reading a story?
The Bilingual Education Programme in Spain
Working with texts in Primary: Making connections
Working with texts in Primary: Introducing the text
2023 Circular Open Studios - Session 2: Material Usage and Resourcefulness
MyClass: flexible and personalised English courses