52 тысяч подписчиков
575 видео
Overview of Dremio’s Data Lakehouse
Demo - Dremio’s Data Lakehouse
Overview of Getting Started with Hadoop Migration and Modernization
How to Migrate and Modernize Hadoop with Dremio Data Lakehouse - A Demo
Dremio Overview
Quick Introduction to Dremio: Open Data Lakehouse for Simplified Data Access
Dremio Data Reflections and Materialized Views (How are they similar and different)
The Dremio Data Lakehouse Platform - Visual Whiteboard Overview - Federate Data, Semantic Layer, etc
Next Gen Data Lakehouse with Dremio & AI
Introducing Next Gen Reflections from Dremio
Real-Time Analytics Across Data Sources Using Dremio
Cell Encryption with Apache Parquet
Table Tuning for Apache Iceberg - Table Properties Explained (Course #8)
Creating an Optimized Data Pipeline for Data-Heavy Applications // Subsurface Summer 2020
Apache Iceberg vs Apache Hudi vs Delta Lake: Table Format Comparison
Apache Arrow Flight SQL: High-Performance Data Transfer Standard for Databases
Demo: Data As Code with Dremio Arctic (Isolating Data Changes with Branches)
Apache Iceberg Tutorial for Beginners: Understanding Copy-on-write and Merge-on-read
Quick Answers - What is Data as Code or Git for Data?
Replacing a Traditional Data Warehouse with Dremio for a Low Latency Lakehouse
Deliver AI-Ready Data with Data Products: Insights from ISG Software Research
Tour and Demo of Dremio Arctic (Git-like Catalog for Apache Iceberg Based Data Lakehouses)
Discover Apache Iceberg: The Top 5 Features You Need to Know
Apache Iceberg Tutorial: Learn the Problem & Solution Behind Iceberg's Origin Story
Apache Iceberg Fundamentals: Course #1 - Introduction
Apache Iceberg 101: The Who, What and Why of Apache Iceberg
Data Lakehouse 101 - The Who, What and Why of Data Lakehouses
GLT #1 - What is a table format? (like Apache Iceberg, Delta Lake and Apache Hudi)
Navigating and Ensuring Robust Security and Governance in the Era of Generative AI
The Data Lakehouse Made Simple: Webinar with BARC
Scaling row level deletions at Pinterest
EP12 - How to Modernize Hive to the Data Lakehouse with Dremio and Apache Iceberg
Havasu: A Table Format for Spatial Attributes in a Data Lake Architecture
(Meta)data for Developers: Building a Data API
GLT #8 - Apache Iceberg's Hidden Partitioning
Secure Open Data Lakehouse with Dremio & Privacera: Centralize Data Governance
Hands-On Intro to Apache Iceberg - 4 - Partitioning and CALL procedures in Apache Spark
Configuring AWS Glue catalog with Apache Iceberg & PySpark
EP24 - Simplifying Data Mesh with Dremio's Open Data Lakehouse
How to Create a High-Performing IoT Data Pipeline: Best Practices
Create a Data Lakehouse with Apache Iceberg, Project Nessie and Apache Spark
Analyze Cloud Data Lake in Real Time: A Step-By-Step Guide
Data Virtualization: Scaling Your Data and BI Needs - A Promising Technology?
Policy as Code: Automating Compliance with Data Mesh
Dremio Cloud Tour: A Look at the Sonar UI - #3
Gnarly Data Waves Special Edition - Workshop: Build an Iceberg Lakehouse in 60 Minutes
Subsurface Summer 2020: Welcome with Billy Bosworth
Expert Panel Discussion - Data Integration Trends and Best Practices
The Latest Data Trends and Predictions for 2024
How Enel Group built a data mesh architecture with Dremio and AgileLab
How to Create a Self-Serve Data Mesh Platform with Keynote