57 тысяч подписчиков
68 видео
VSCode's New YAML Support is AWESOME
Screenshot your Code in VS Code
What is GitHub Gist? (Explained)
Mastering CSV with VS Code
Choosing between MVC Controllers, Minimal API, or FastEndpoints for C# APIs.
Should You Use a Class, Struct or Record in C#?
Azure File Shares as Container Volume Mounts
Write Better TailwindCSS in VS Code
Spell Check in VS Code with Code Spell Checker
Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 - VS Code Extension Highlight
Don't Make These Entity Framework Core Mistakes
Handle ASP.NET Core Exceptions Globally
Manage GitHub Pull Requests & Issues with VS Code
C# Has New Primary Constructors
Testing APIs with REST Client in VS Code
Screenshot VS Code like a pro 📸
Format Your Code in VS Code with Prettier
What if AI takes developer jobs!?
What is git clean 🤯
How to REALLY use git stash (save your work!)
Edit GitHub Gists in VS Code!
What is Git Cherry-Pick?
Keep Track of VS Code Windows with Peacock
I Don't Hate YAML Anymore!
Stack vs. Heap in .NET
Where's my code!?
HTML in VS Code = Easy Mode
Immutability in .NET just got a LOT easier
Building Custom ASP.NET Core Middleware
Build Unity games in VS Code!
What IS git switch!?
String or string in C#?
Lint Markdown in VS Code
.NET Blazor movie trailer
Take Me Home VS Code
Manage GitHub Gists in VS Code
Reference Types in C#
Write Code in Containers with VS Code and Remote Containers
How has .NET not had this before!?
EF Core Queries Go BOOM!
Should my Services be Transient, Scoped, or Singleton?
Bongo cat loves my code!
Implementing Soft Deletes with Entity Framework Core
I Tried NeoVIM
Should I Use IEnumerable, IQueryable, ICollection, or IList?
Stop misspelling code in VS Code!