938 подписчиков
147 видео
Long-term Impacts & Management of Emerald Ash Borer
Plant Trees for Resilient Woodlands
Spongy Moth in Indiana: A short history and where we are today
Forest Pest Damage from the Carbon Sequestration Perspective
2023 Update on Ticks in North America (EAB University webinar)
Breeding for EAB Resistance: What Does the Future Look Like for Ash Trees?
Tree of Heaven: Identification & Management, and its ties to Spotted Lanternfly
Managing the elusive spotted lanternfly: Tips, Tricks, and Challenges
Update on Ticks: 2022
Long-term ash tree protection from emerald ash borer
Spotted Lanternfly in Indiana
Changing Climates and Forest Insects: A Case Study with Hemlock Woolly Adelgid in Michigan
New Tools for Detecting Exotic Invasive Forest Pests
You're STILL here? An update on Asian longhorned beetle in South Carolina
Emerald Ash Borer: A Threat to Oregon's Ash Trees
Cryptic Invasion: Tools to Identify and Manage Jumping Worm in Forests and Gardens
Firewood Rules, Certifications, and Recommendations across the USA
Oak Wilt in the Midwestern and Northeastern USA
An Overview of Box Tree (Boxwood) Moth
Real-time forecasts of phenology and climate suitability for emerald ash borer in the U.S.A.
Name Change for Lymantria dispar (Gypsy Moth) to Spongy Moth
Spotted Lanternfly: How to identify and report this invasive pest
EAB Host Species Mapping in Urban Areas
An Effective Trap for Monitoring and Detection of Spotted Lanternfly
Update on Emerald Ash Borer Biocontrol Methods & Research (EAB University webinar)