4 тысяч подписчиков
235 видео
ScalaLove intro video by Juan Manuel Serrano.
Ivan Gromakovskii - Exceptions and concurrency
Adam Fraser - Solve Your Concurrency Problems With ZIO STM
Jan Christopher Vogt - Software like Lego - how Haskell naturally delivers on a decades old dream
Keynote: Daniel Spiewak - The Case For Effect Systems
Josep Prat - Preparing Apache Kafka for Scala 3
Victor Rentea - The Hitchhiker Guide to Pure Functions and Immutable Objects
Michael Pilquist - fs2.Chunk
Dmitrii Kovanikov - One way and another
Marcin Szamotulski - Protocol pipelining in Typed-Protocols
Kit Langton - Troll Driven Development: Implementing Functional Effects by Way of Self-Lobotomy
Thomas Tuegel - Strict Haskell
Andrew Lelechenko - Tasty-bench: featherlight benchmark framework
Veronika Romashkina - Haskell LOL
Alejandro Serrano Mena - All You Wanted to Know About Type Classes
Gershom Bazerman - The Best Reliable Software Technique You've Never Used: Unions
Stephanie Weirich - How to Implement the Lambda Calculus, Quickly
Noon van der Silk - Quantum Computing and Haskell - A Linear Love Story?
Joseph Morag - Open Strings
Arseniy Zhizhelev - Relational Algebra in Scala3 - how is it possible?
Anton Kholomiov - Sound design with Haskell
Mikael Tonnberg - Knowledge as code - why we use Haskell at a fast growing startup
Frank Delporte - Having fun with Java and JavaFX on the Raspberry Pi
Kai – Scala, Functional Programming and Team Productivity
Alex Archambault - Scala CLI a more powerful Scala command to get rid of build tools
Rafał Piotrowski - New types as solution to primitive obsession
Jeremy Gibbons - Continuation-passing style, defunctionalization, and associativity
Andrew Boardman - The Historical Futurism of Haskell
Ryan Orendorff - Functional Programming + Dependent Types ≡ Verified Linear Algebra
Chris Penner - Alternative by example - A typeclass for parsing, concurrency, logic programming
Gergo Erdi - Executable, Synthesizable, Human Readable: Pick Three
Rebecca Skinner - Make It Purple: An Introduction To Type Level Programming
Brent Yorgey - Competitive Programming in Haskell