7 тысяч подписчиков
225 видео
Live Coding: Check If It Is a Straight Line
Getting Started with Skaffold
D9: 30-Day LeetCoding Challenge
Live: Edit Distance...looks really hard!
CBJAM 22 Wrap Up
Joes 2021 GameDev Recap
SQL Joins Part 1 - Inner, Left Outer and Right Outer
Docker via Visual Studio for Dot Net Core
React Crash Course 1: Bootstrapping with Create-React-App
Analyzing Git History with Elasticsearch
Live: Find All Anagrams in a String
Live: Uncrossed Lines
Learning Kotlin with the Free JetBrains Academy
90. Comparing Git Workflows
D20: LeetCode 30 Day Challenge in JavaScript
Quick Tip - HTTP Requests Made Easy in Visual Studio Code
Elastic Stack on Kubernetes, with Skaffold
Creating a Kotlin project for Apache Beam
Sample SQL Server Database and Docker
Debugging a Real Web Application in Google Chrome
Creating a Roguelike Game in Unity3d
Streaming: Audio Editing with Python
Live Coding: LeetCode Challenges with Kotlin
Getting Started with K9s
Keeping Notes and Tasks Organized and Searchable Using Obsidian
D1: 30-Day LeetCoding Challenge
Ergonomic Keyboard Zergotech Freedom Full Review
Kinesis Advantage 2 Full Review after Heavy Usage
Advent of Code 2020: Day 3, Python
Advent of Code 2020: Day 4, Python
Advent of Code 2020: Day 2, Python
Streaming: Debugging C# in Kubernetes and Skaffold vs Kustomize
Get Outta Here: Game Design and Playthroughs
Grafka: GraphQL Interface for Kafka
D26: Longest Common Subsequence
Moonlander Ergonomic Keyboard Long Term Review
The Game Jam Winners
2020 Advent of Code: Day 1, Python
SQL Server Tips - Run in Docker and an Amazing SSMS Tip
Local Kubernetes dev with Helm and Skaffold