2 тысяч подписчиков
77 видео
What is Feature Engineering ?
SAP HANA Tutorial for beginners
How to evaluate Models in AI ?
Big ideas Small Footprint
How to grow your Technology career ?
Why do we use OpenShift for application modernization ?
First look @IBM Quantum System 2!
What are Three Different AI Use Cases?
Industry Events
Tru Golf in Immersive Reality
How has technology shaped University Education ?
How to do 3D digital visual merchandising ?
Michael Johnson @citi on time series Data
Graphics Billboard
What is Cyber Security Vs Cyber Resiliency ?
Empowering Eco-Friendly Computing
How to unplug a Tesla from supercharger ?
Natural Language Processing in Collaborative Robots | Cobots
How to make better decisions with AI ?
Technology Awards by
How to drive carbon neutral initiative discussion ?
How does LinuxONE Emperor 4 looks like ?
How to champion Technology Community Engagements ?
How to Protect your Data in the Quantum Era ?
How is technology shaping new Space Age ?
AI | Electric | Race cars
What to do with weather data ?
How to Publish an AI model?
What is Redhat OpenShift Storage ?
What are system nodes?
What is terminal app?