1222 тысяч подписчиков
678 видео
Firing the LeMat Revolver
Sig P290 Mini 9mm Pocket Pistol
Beretta Model 1934 380
Shooting the 1873 Trapdoor Springfield.mov
Automag II 22 Magnum Autopistol
Baikal Russian Double Rifle 01
Shooting the 1860 Army Revolver.mov
Shooting 44 caliber 1851 Navy Revolvers.mov
Taylor's & Co Cartridge Conversion Cylinders
Pietta Remington Pocket Pistol
Remington Cartridge Conversion Systems.mov
Remington revolving carbine
PA-63 9mm Makarov.mov
Shooting Colts Robert E Lee Commemorative 1851 Navy Model
Evolution of the Derringer Part 2 The cartridge era
Installing and Zeroing Sights with the Kitvance Sight Pusher Tool
Channel update & merch Contest July 2022
Combat Effectiveness of Buck & Ball Cartridges
Disassembling the 1860 Army Revolver
Duelist's Den Zoning Issue Update 23 March 2023
Cap & Ball Revolvers for Self Defense
Channel Update Dec 2021
Pietta's Starr Double Action Revolver
Handloading for the Webley Mk VI Revolver - Part 1 455 Webley.mov
Making 36 Caliber Paper Cartridges
Evolution of Arming Swords during the High Middle Ages
Sharps Paper Cartridge Ignition Solved
Revolvers of the Confederacy
Why I miss filming at Duelist's Den
Beginners Guide to Flintlock Rifle Shooting Part Two
Cleaning flintlock rifles
Polishing a rough muzzleloader bore
Shooting the 40 caliber Flintlock Rifle
Sighting in a muzzleloading rifle
T C Rifle Salvage
Coning a flintlock rifle barrel
Evolution of the Derringer Part 1 Muzzleloaders
Coned barrel shooting Take 2
Colt 1860 Army Revolver The favorite sidearm of union forces
Starr Revolvers Third most popular sidearm in the Union Forces
Evolution of Remington Army & Navy Revolvers Part One The C&B Era