1944 тысяч подписчиков
719 видео
DIGITONE 2 - First Track!
Beep Booping Tape Scrubber Module!
Playfader - CV/ MIDI sequencing
ZERO is a tiny DJ / Performance instrument
Syntakt Software Update Peek!!
Sculpting Sampler - Torso Electronics S4
Small Team Wonder Studio Visit - UDO Audio
Sampling with the new ZOIA firmware 4.0 - MEGA tutorial
Vitamins For Your Wavetable Synths! - The missing ModWave pack!
Catch Cuckoo Live in Oslo 6th of Sep (also live on Twitch)
Let's get weird - GREAT CONJUNCTION
Musical magic comes out of this piano
Crunchy Drum Sample Pack + Crazy Performances
Roland SH-4d Mega Tutorial
OP-Z Sampling Tutorial
One Synth - One Song - TYPHON
Dirty Purist - sample pack - (super short jams only)
Analog Heat - Sound Examples Tutorial
How to use Octatrack for Backingtracks - Tutorial
Magic "SuitPak" Stereo Sample Pack - as played on the Digitakt 2
OP-Z Mega Tutorial - Level 1
Sinevibes Has Been Busy With Korg Plugins - Superbooth 2023
Between the videos Ep.4 - Preparing a modular set
Hyve Synth Tutorial - 60 poly analog portable synth
Syntakt Beginners Mega Tutorial - 1
Cuckoo Recommends: MIDI Controllers
Synplant 2 - Industry Game Changer
MODX sound design Mega Tutorial #1
PO-33 K.O! Quick Explain + Jam
Why do I 🖤 Blast Beats so much?
Osmose - A very different synthesiser has arrived
Cuckoo Cooks Ep1. Studio Risotto Recipe (for Crock-pot pressure cooker)
Digitakt Mega Tutorial
Lambda Synthetics Polypulse - Superbooth 2023
Build your own synth with Synth UX Academy - Superbooth 2023
Nord Sample Editor Speedrun Tutorial (it's so fast)
Sonicware Liven 8bit Warps
OP-XY (The Dark Flagship)
PO-33 New Sample Pack + Jam
Fujifilm X-T5, my custom F-log LUT's
Clean mic levels for getting vocals into compact setup - MicPort Pro
This synth lives in my heart now
Piano De Voyage - Great Collapsible MIDI keyboard
Playing my new HIGH ENERGY tunes for the first time (LIVE at Jæger/ Oslo)
My vinyl on portable 😍 turntable
I played four handed with Nahre Sol
Synthstrom Audible Deluge going Open Source Event! - Superbooth 2023
Volca FM - Cuckoo Mega Tutorial + Patch Base iPad app
Analog Rytm - Cuckoo Kit w One sample
Get started with the new EP-133, K.O.II by Teenage Engineering (Tutorial)