106 тысяч подписчиков
134 видео
Design of Cantilever Beam | How to Design a RCC Cantilever Beam | Cantilever as per IS 456-2000
Ranging a Line by Line Ranger | How to Fix Intermediate Point by Line Ranger |How to use Line Ranger
Local Attraction Problem in Compass Surveying | Detection of Local Attraction
Specific Gravity of Fine Aggregates | Test on Fine Aggregates
How to Locate Neutral Axis Depth | Analysis of Singly Reinforced Beam | To find Concentrated load
Scale in Engineering Drawing | Use of Scale in Drawing | How to convert drawing for a given scale
Design of Axially Loaded Square Column | Short column | Design of RCC Column | Column Design
GATE 2020 SOM | Shear Force and Bending Moment of Simply Supported Beam With Point Load
Analysis of Doubly Reinforced Beam | Limit State Method
Reinforcement Arrangement of Beam | Reinforcement Details of Beam | Reinforcement detailing of beam
How to Calculate Short Term and Long Term Deflection in a RCC Beam as per IS 456-2000 Provisions
Analysis of Overhang Beam by Moment Distribution Method | Analysis of Indeterminate Structures
What is BIM? How Building Information Modeling is different from conventional construction practices
Launch of Website | All About Civil Engineering | Articles | Lectures | Forum | Question Papers
Derivation or Development of Slope Deflection Equation
KANI's Method to analyze Indeterminate Beam | Analysis of beam by Kani's Method
Design of Dog Legged Staircase | How to design staircase as per IS Code
Rebranding of All About Structural Analysis and Design
Moment Distribution Method | Analysis of Indeterminate Beam
Analysis of 3 Span Continuous Beam by Slope Deflection Method
MCQ in Civil Engineering
Analysis of 3 Span Beam by Moment Distribution Problem | 1 End Fixed and another End Hinged Beam
Train Facts
Moment Distribution Method | Double settlement or sink problem | Analysis of Indeterminate Beam
Slope Deflection Method with Support Settlement Analysis of Continuous Beam
Slab Reinforcement Arrangement | One Way Slab Reinforcement Details |Practical Reinforcement of Slab
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KEI Wires and Cables jo Har Tension Sahe Chalti Rahe
Slab reinforcement
Design of Combined Rectangular Footing Part 2 | Check for 1 Way Shear | Reinforcement in Footing
Free course on Building information modelling | BIM | Structural design | Architectural Planning
Interesting Facts
Design of Combined Rectangular Footing | PART 1 | | Check for Punching Shear or 2 Way Shear
Survey Basics
Facts about BIG BEN
IS 456 2000 Explanation Series 1 | Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete Code of Practice
Long Wall Short Wall Method | Estimation of a building by Long Wall and Short Wall Method
Analysis of Continuous Beam by Kani's Method | Modified version of Kani's Method
Limit State of Serviceability for a RCC Slab | Calculations of Various Deflection as per IS 456-2000
Civil Site Practical Plinth Beam Reinforcement Arrangement along with Columns showing Fixed End
Analysis and Redesign of Over Reinforced Singly Reinforced Beam | Analysis of Singly Reinforced Beam
Detailed Single Storey Estimation of a building by long wall and short wall method
Design of Doubly Reinforced Beam | Design steps of Doubly Reinforced Beam as per IS 456-2000
Parts of Prismatic Compass | Bearings in Prismatic compass | How to read Compass in Surveying
IS 456 2000 Explanation Series 3 | Plain and Reinforced Cement Concrete Code of Practice
Shear force and Bending moment | Cantilever Beam with Point Load
How to Design one way slab | Design of Slab | Limit state design of slab | IS 456-2000
Design of footing | Isolated Square Footing | Limit State Method | IS 456-2000 | RCC Footing Design
What is Fixed Beam |Analysis of Indeterminate Structure |Difference in simply supported & Fixed Beam
Cantilever Beam with Uniformly Distributed Load | UDL | Shear Force and Bending Moment