4 тысяч подписчиков
356 видео
ACES The Binary Fraction of RSGs in the Large Magellanic Cloud and Small Magellanic Cloud - Min Dai
Professor Kip Thornes Public Lecture - A Century of Relativity
The Origin of Ultra Diffuse Galaxies: Challenging the Galaxy Formation Paradigm - Jean Brodie
ACES Establishing a mass-loss rate relation for Red Supergiants - Kostas Antoniadis (Athens)
ACES The Mira Distance Scale with HST and JWST - Caroline Huang (Harvard-Smithsonian CfA, USA)
Is there an underlying connection between dark matter and electromagnetism - Testing stellar twins?
ACES The Nearby Evolved Stars’ Survey: Recent results and ongoing challenges - Peter Scicluna
ACES Stellar surfaces through the looking-glass - Claudia Paladini (ESO, Chile)
ACES Image reconstruction from polarimetric interferometry for probing mass loss from evolved stars
ACES Polluted stars as tracers of binarity and nucleosynthesis - Ana Escorza
ACES Tidal Dissipation in Cool Evolved Stars - Mats Esseldeurs (KU Leuven, Belgium)
How to navigate the academia industry divide - Gareth Kennedy
ACES Constraining masses of S-type AGB stars with pulsation - Yoshiya Mori (Monash)
Capturing earliest radio signals from gamma-ray bursts & gravitational wave events INCOMPLETE VIDEO!
ACES V Hydrae: a dusty AGB binary with a jet - Lea Planquart (Universite Libre de Bruxelles,Belgium)
ACES Connecting Episodic Outbursts to Convection Cells in Evolved Massive Stars through IF Imaging
The irregular spin-down evolution of radio pulsars - Marcus Lower (CSIRO)
ACES Submillimetre HCN masers in carbon-rich AGB stars - Ka Tat Wong (Uppsala University, Sweden)
Cosmic Renaissance: The Last Chance for Planet Formation Around Low-Mass Dying Stars - Devika Kamath
Deeper dive into BPT diagrams and the origin of LINER emission with machine learning - Ahmad Nemer
ACES New model of the R Cor Bor phenomenon: connecting dusty winds to stellar evolution-Mark Walker
ACES The salty and dusty winds of intermediate-mass AGB stars - Taıssa Danilovich (Monash)
ACES Studying the wind-driving region of nearby AGB stars with ALMA and SPHERE - Theo Khouri
Low-redshift cosmic anisotropy in simulations using numerical relativity-Hayley Macpherson-Cambridge
ANITA Dark matter from quantum ensembles - observational predictions - Allan Ernest
ANITA Dark Quantum States in the NFW Potential - Isaac Lobo
ACES Mass-loss Rate of Highly Evolved Stars in the Magellanic Clouds - Jing Wen
The 2016 Nobel Prize in Physics - Professor Michael Fuhrer
Science Week at Monash Physics: Material properties at the nanoscale
What is colder than outer space? (part 2)
ACES 1st evidence of correlation between angular sep's of high-frequency SiO masers from AGB stars
What is colder than outer space? (part 1)
ACES The Dust Properties of R Coronae Borealis Variables - Courtney Crawford (University of Sydney)
Why study Physics?
What are cosmic rays?