Lecture #32
📝 In this video we are going to continue with OOPS in java and learn about abstraction and how to achieve it using Interfaces. How it is different from abstract classes
This video is a part of the "JAVA + DSA || Beginner to Advanced || Complete Course" playlist.
Link: • JAVA + DSA || Absolute beginner to Ad...
Guidance Playlist: • Guidance Playlist🚀
🔗Other Important Links:
JDK: https://www.oracle.com/java/technolog...
IntelliJ Idea: https://www.jetbrains.com/idea/downlo...
Code: https://github.com/Sagar0-0/JavaDsACo...
Abstract class vs Interface in Kotlin: / abstract-classes-and-interfaces-in-kotlin-...
📌 Timestamps:
0:00 Introduction
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