The next day at school did not portend trouble. Everyone went about their usual business. Rosta chatted with Razgildyaev. Umnova read, and Zolotareva counted pocket money. Katya came last, enjoying delicious ice cream. And then bad luck, she stumbled behind a smart bag and collapsed into the aisle, crushing ice cream and banging her head hard. Recovering, Katya goes for a rag to clean up after herself, and there ... An evil ice cream maker from the game walks through the lobby right at her, and he looks clearly not friendly. Katya bursts into the classroom with shouts. But no one believes her. Umnova says that you need to look your fears in the eyes to overcome them. The girls look out of the office, and there he is! The ice cream maker goes right at them! Girls manage to escape at the very last moment. Rostya and Katya with the guys rush around the school, trying to break away from the Ice Creamman chasing them when they hear the cry of Zolotoreva. She was frozen! What to do? Run or go to help your girlfriend? Watch the new video about Ice Cream Maker on the channel We are a family and you will find out the secret! Do not forget to like and beat the bell!